10 Lessons To Learn From Kids

Childhood is a time that we always want to look back for the carefree lives we lived. When there was nothing to think off and just experience and look at things the way they are. All the fun, happiness, playfulness, smiles, giggles, mischief, bonding, trust, innocence, honesty, beauty and experiments were so full of life. But somewhere down the lane as we grow we get trapped in conducting our day to day lives. Not realizing that this will hurt our mental, physical, emotional and energy states someday.

We don’t STOP playing, laughing, singing, and dancing because we are growing OLD. We grow OLD because we STOPPED playing, laughing, singing and dancing.

Keep the child inside you “ALIVE”

The picture above is from one of our family trips. Enjoying the high speed boat ride at Lake Pichola – Udaipur (Rajasthan – India).

As we grow, we get influenced by people, situations and lot of other things around us. We gather a lot of stuff that was really not required. Infact there is more to unlearn than learn to get back to our original state as a person and function.

As parents or adults we are always upto teaching the children something but have you ever realized what is it that you can learn from children?

Motherhood has been a beautiful journey and experience for me. I’ve enjoyed every aspect of it. As a mother I’m always amazed with the things that I get to learn from my son. Perhaps it’s time we look at some lessons we can learn from children and make them part of ourselves once again.

#1 – Being Joyful

Have you noticed how joyful kids are? The smile on their face, the faces they make, the carefree attitude that they have, always laughing and enjoying every aspect. Have you seen how their eyes lit up even with the smallest of the things? They are not thinking whether they should smile or cry or laugh. They are not controlling their emotions. They just express themselves happily.

As an adult, do you know how many times you’ve smiled or laughed or are joyful during the day? So many times we are in a dilemma that what people would think about us if they find us laughing and smiling. We complicate ourselves so much with our thought processes that we forget to be joyful.

One simple thing that you can do is every hour look at the watch and smile. Yes, initially you might find it funny but that’s the best part of it to make yourself joyful.

#2 – Being curious and willing to learn

Have you noticed how curious kids are when they see something new or different? Even if they had seen it hundred times they still look at it with the same curiosity. You give them a book they will try to hold it upside down. Open pages, pretend to read even if they don’t understand a thing. You give them a toy they will start hugging it and playing with it immediately.

Each child expresses curiosity in a different way. They always want to do things even if you tell them no. Seeing a butterfly in the garden they are curious to get closer to it and try to catch it. Even if you tell them not to pluck flowers they still want to pluck and see what it is. They always want to know what’s inside the toy box, or the gift you give them, or the cushions or anything they see they are just excited and curious to know about it.

When they express curiosity they are expanding their learning curve by observation, talking, listening and experiencing things.

When was the last time that you were excited and curious to know what’s coming for you?  When was the last time you were excited to find out solutions or alternatives to solve a problem or a challenge?

Be curious will open up a whole new world of learning for you. If you saw a vehicle that you can drive on the road and then it can float and ride in the sea as well – go and do some finding as to how people made that happen. Look at the research and development of it. You will be amazed with the technology and the speed with which lot of innovations are happening.

It will bring a different level of joy, curiosity and excitement for you. It will make you feel livelier.

#3 – Being honest

Children speak their mind. They are honest and speak what they have experienced. They are what they are. They don’t manipulate things. Even in their naughtiness there is an innocence and honesty.

As adults so many times we become manipulative. We even manipulate the experience that we have gone through by looking at it from our angle. It’s like making it look good if you like it vice versa whereas it’s more important to look at things and people the way they are.

#4 – Being open and receptive

Children are open and receptive to everything in life. Have you noticed when they start walking or most of the times when they learn to walk they have their arms wide spread. Whatever you teach them or tell them they observe and listen.

Don’t think that they are not but they are always observing you. Many times you must have noticed that they want to wear your clothes, your shoes, carry a similar bag like you, talk and behave like you.

You tell them something to repeat after you they will and enjoy doing it over and over. So be careful with the way you are bringing them up. They are open to experimenting things. They are open to trying out new things.

As we grow up, we start being judgemental about people, things and even our surroundings. This leads to blocking our own growth. Looking at things from other person’s perspective will open a lot of areas of improvement for us.

#5 – Not afraid of the fall

Have you ever noticed a child when they start to walk? Have you ever noticed the excitement on their face? They will walk fall down, get up and again try to walk. It’s a beautiful sight to see them walking for the first time. They are not afraid of the fall. They keep trying it without being worried about getting injured or not being able to get up after the fall.

They are always onto trying things and taking risk. Jumping from the sofa, jumping from the bed, running after the Frisbee to catch it or taking the vessels out from the kitchen drawer not worrying about the weight and size of the vessels. Even if they get injured next moment you will see them smiling and back to playing. They’ll be all over the place once again.

How many times have you managed to get up live life after being knocked down by challenges? How many times are you ready to take risk in life?

It doesn’t matter how many times you fall down. What matters is how many times did you get up and make things happen for you.

#6 – Being your natural self

Have you ever noticed how children are when they are on their own? They are not worried about their clothes becoming dirty or walking bare feet in the garden. They are not worried about their looks or if someone is noticing them or not.

They like to be the way it is. They are not conscious of what’s happening around or should they imitate someone.

As adults, most of the times I’ve observed people being worried about what people are thinking about them. What if they dress up the way they like, people will make fun of them. What will people think if I take the train and not the car? I don’t want people to see my messy hair when I get wet.

We forget being natural. We start imitating the people or the circles we live in so that people start accepting us. We are looking for approvals. In this process we lose our original self and later many times it takes a months and years to find who we are.

#7 – Asking questions

Have you noticed how children keep asking questions about everything they see? Even if you have answered them they would still have a question from the answer you gave them. Some would have a long list of questions. They are open to asking questions and asking what they want. If they want a new bag they will tell you, describe everything about it and even why they need it.

They don’t think whether they should ask or not. They don’t thing whether it is the right or wrong question. They will just ask. Questioning not only helps them get what they want but also opens up a learning curve for them.

As adults, how many times do we do this? There is not right or wrong question. There is no right or wrong answer. It’s just a perspective that you are looking at. Someone else might have a different perspective about it.

If you don’t ask for it – you won’t get it.

#8 – Asking for help

Have you noticed how children would just come and hug you and want to be lifted because they don’t want to walk. May be because they are tired or not in a mood to do so. Have you ever noticed how they would get the friends together and ask for help to complete a project or assignment.

At times they would even ask you to come along and read stories for them or do coloring with them. They don’t shy away from asking for help.

As adults we shy away from asking for help. Some feel it is a sign of weakness. Some might feel that you might be passing on the burden to someone else. How will others know that you’re in trouble or need help?

If you don’t ask for it – you won’t get it.

#9 – Being in the open

Have you ever noticed how excited kids are when they are outdoors? Even when at home they always want to run outside the door? The moment they see water on the road or ground they want to splash in that.

They enjoy walking in the garden, looking at the sky, wondering when they will be able to sight the stars, enjoying the sunshine, hugging the trees, enjoy seeing the plants and flowers of different colours, playing in the mud carefree.

As we grow, we forget getting outdoors and become more of TV addicts or addicted to the mobile and games.  If not then chatting, watching videos or someone would find window shopping in the mall more exciting.

By doing this we are moving away from the core five elements (earth, water, fire, wind, sky) that are supporting us. This in turn hampers our growth and development.

#10 – Rest well

Have you heard the phrase “sleep like a baby”? Have you noticed or seen a baby sleeping. They are least bothered about what’s happening in the world. If they are tired you’ll find them sleeping anywhere and they are fast asleep.

While as adults when we go to bed we carry so much of extra baggage with us. We’ve not yet dropped what happened during the day, or week or year and go to sleep with all the worries of the past or future. We forget to enjoy the moment we are in. We forget being grateful for what we have.

Most of the time resulting in disturbed sleep. A good rest is important for the body to function. It’s not about the hours you sleep. It’s about the quality of sleep you get. 

There is a lot more to learn from kids. But the key to making things happen is to act on them.

Did you have any amazing experience learning from your child or a kid? Do share with us in the comments below.